Lee and Spencer Bennett

  • Lee and Spencer Bennett

    Lee and Spencer Bennett

Client: Lee and Spencer Bennett.
Location: Barry

Yesterday Evening a 'Year in Barry' met two absolute gentlemen from the world of Martial Arts, Lee and Spencer Bennett. After a Junior Welsh and British Championship background training under the instruction of Shihan Garry Bufton at Cardiff dojo as Instructors for Barry Kyokushinkai in 2004-2005 Lee and Spencer Bennett spent one year in Sweden as 'Uchi-deschi' full time karate students and on the last week of the training programme, decided to open up their own club and call it Barry Rising Sun KyokushinKai Karate club. It started small with just five members, and since then have made Welsh and British Champions and sent students to fight in Competitions around Europe. Both brother's remain International competitors and have produced numerous black belts along the journey, passing their knowledge and expertise to over a thousand students. The club is currently run by Sensei Lee Bennett 3rd Dan, Senpai Spencer Bennett 2nd Dan, Sensei Ian Nicholas 1st Dan & Senpai Dave Jenkins 1st Dan. Sensei Lee Bennett 3rd dan started training at age eight, winning numerous Welsh and British Titles as a Junior, then from 18 started his full contact “knockdown” career, also gaining Welsh and British and International titles along the way. Gaining Shodan Dan under Kansho Matsui in 1997. In 1999 he attended a Summer Camp with Jose Claronino, and acquired his 2nd Dan. He acheived 3rd Dan in 2007 with Hanshi Hasegowa on the Sweden Summer Camp. The highlight's of Sensei Lee’s Career came after gaining third dan, representing Great Britain at The Shanghai International Winning 1st place in the Lightweight under 75kg category. The Okinawa World Weight Category Championships going out in the second round of the tournament to the Current World Champion Kikki Yamma on a controversial three round battle. Then also the following year fighting in the Osaka World Weight Category International Championships.
Sempai Spencer Bennett states that Kyokushin was in his family from a young age, you had to be at least 8 years old to join barry kyokushin, so if he wasn't being sent to watch his brother train, he was being sent to watch him compete. Spencer offically joined Barry kyokushin in 1993, its normally a slow process from white to blue belt before you are able to compete. He started the beginners course in September 1993 and as quick as november 1993 he was crowned junior welsh champion. Four Welsh championships and a British Junior championships followed.
Spencer was coached by Shihan Richard Males 1993 – 1997 and Cardiff kyokushin in 1997 under the instruction of shihan Gary bufton and sensei Nofal Elias. His first dan black belt came in 1999. He competed in his first full contact open tournament a week after his 18th birthday, completely missing a Novice career and placed 3rd. In 2002 his father sent Spencer to sweden to train full time under shihan Robert Wicklund. This type of training became his personal blue print to be able to dominate european fighters. Throughout his full contact career he has represented Wales and Great Britain on a number of occasions. Spencer has won Welsh, English, Scotish, British European & Asia titles, and has represented Great Britan all over the World. He has been able to fight the Best in Japan and Russia, been placed in 2 world tournaments and have ranked in the top 20 in all kyokushin across the world two years running. A Year in Barry wishes Lee and Spencer continued success with their amazing club.




Attack and defense.

Class of Martial Arts.

Some estudents in position of Martial Arts.

Kid training.

Child giving a kick.

Childrens giving a puch.

Experienced mens training.

Martial Arts kids.

Class of childrens.

Kids class.

Child very good at Martial Arts.